Luang Prabang World Heritage nomination

UNESCO World Heritage Nomination

Nomination file studies mission: 1994

UNESCO official nomination: December 1995 in Berlin

Luang Prabang
Mission presentation:
Architect team leader for Luang Prabang UNESCO World Heritage nomination file studies in collaboration with the Department of Archeology and Museums of the Ministry of Information and Culture of Lao P.D.R.
1- History of the city urbanism evolution
– Identification of the original Lao Buddhist city settlement and space organization
– Identification of the urban fabric density balance between Buddhist temples compounds and civilian traditional habitats
– Study of the original Buddhist city urban fabric metamorphosis due to the major foreign cultural influences impacts that occurred successively from 1910 to 1954.

2- Identification of the religious and civil architectures typologies – 100 buildings identified
– Survey of the different Buddhist monuments architectures – Ttotal of 44 wats, 37 in the protected zone
– Classification of seven types of civil architectures

3- Proposal for the first list of world heritage monuments in Luang Prabang heritage conservation zone
– Selection of all Buddhists monuments
– Selection of the most representative buildings among the seven civil architecture typologies

“Luang Prabang, an architectural journey” published in 2005


Press about Ateliers de la Peninsule missions on Luang Prabang city heritage conservation